Online Training



Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

Mon - Fri 8:30am - 4pm

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Introduction to Data Protection

by civilserviceadmin 1 lessons

Welcome to an Introduction to Data Protection. This training is for all civil servants and requires no prior knowledge. It covers the basics of the Data Protection Act, including key 

Introduction to Freedom of Information

by civilserviceadmin 1 lessons

Welcome to an Introduction to Freedom of Information (FOI). This training is for all civil servants and requires no prior knowledge. It covers the basics of the Freedom of Information 

Anti-Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination

by civilserviceadmin 1 lessons ,

This is a course on anti-bullying provided by the Cayman Islands Civil Service College. It consists of a single 45 minute video, followed by 20 multiple choice questions. Upon Completion, your grade will be available to you as well as stored in your user dashboard.